Memorial Day

It’s that time of year again. It’s Memorial Day. A day to commemorate and remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our nation. As a veteran, I understand the significance of this day and its impact on families and communities.

Memorial Day is a time for many veterans to remember their fallen friends and colleagues. It is a day to honor those who fought with us and those who gave their lives for our liberties. It is a day to honor their bravery, valor, and dedication to our nation. It’s a day that for me, I renew my vow to live the best life I can in honor of those who can’t.

All I want to say this year, is that I urge you to remember that the liberties we enjoy have come at a high price. I encourage you to take a moment to think on the sacrifices of my brothers and sisters. You might not have a list of names like some of us do, but I still urge you to pause for a moment today to honor the fallen and say a prayer for their surviving family, friends and comrades.

There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – John 15:13

In remembrance: NT, KR, NS, TL, TG, JH

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